What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

When you write a letter, when you take an exam or when you make a to-do or to-buy list, your handwriting can say a lot about you. This is called Graphology which is the study handwriting, especially when employed as a means of analyzing a writer’s character, personality, abilities, etc. 

Specifically when you are writing in cursive, when your writing slants to the write, it may mean that you are open to the world around you and are sociable. If your writing slants to the left, it may mean that you generally like working alone. Finally, if your writing does not slant at all, it may mean that you are logical and practical. You take things slow and you make sure that everything is okay before you move forward. 
Another way to look at it is through the size of your letters. Large letters may mean that you are open and outgoing. Small letters may mean that you are shy. Finally, average sized letters may mean you are able to adjust easily. 
Still, there are some letters that may speak about you. One of these letters is “L.” If you write in cursive and your “L” is closed, it may mean that you are tensed or you are restricting yourself. If you “L” is open, if may mean that you are being spontaneous. 
There are a lot of other cues that can talk about you and your personality when you are writing. So, when you are reading a letter or answers in an exam, look to these cues and you may get a better insight of the person who wrote them. 
