Wikipedia as an Online Reputation Management tool? No thanks

Some think this is an excellent idea, mainly due to the amount of traffic on Wikipedia (not to mention that it is the main referent of many users looking for information around the world.) Others have a poor opinion of this method, and they even warn you not to use it for not spoiling your online reputation. Let’s look at the arguments from both points of view. On the one hand, Wikipedia is an example of the information revolution we are experiencing today. Not only is it a free platform that will give access to any user around the globe to terabytes of information in different languages on a wide variety of topics. This is a matter of tremendous interest when we think of the history of knowledge and information, bearing in mind that knowledge was a privilege before, when the only books were available in monasteries or some old universities, such as Oxford or the Sorbonne (available, moreover, not only for those who actually knew how to read and write, who were few a...