Useless Things I Know About Scooby-Doo

The Original Series That Are Actually Canon: 1. Shaggy Rogers is a vegetarian 2: Shaggy was called “Buzz” until his 10th birthday 3: Shaggy has a collection of 653 decorator belt buckles and he wears a different buckle every episode, you just can’t see it 4: Shaggy started collecting belt buckles to combat his Scooby-Snack addiction related weight problems 5: Shaggy’s actual name is Norville 6: Shaggy found the Mystery Machine 7: Shaggy is a talented gymnast 8: Daphne wanted to be a supermodel or detective when she grew up 9: Daphne gets straight A’s in school 10: Daphne regularly loses dates because she leaves them to solve mysteries 11: Daphne’s Dad, George Blake, gave the gang a 100 dollar check to get started 12: Velma came up with the phrase “Jinkes” on the fly 13: Velma used to say “oh my” before she said Jinkes 14: Velma’s has hundreds of awards for outstanding achievements in school 15: Fred is a bass and sings from th...