
Showing posts from June, 2015

Motivated to Burn Fats … In 10 Minutes

Yes, those fats are starting to add up and layers are forming under your chin and belly. But, what to do? Between work and kids, what time do you have to go to the gym, run on the thread mill for 30 minutes or even jog around the park? Well, here are 2 fat burning exercises that you can do for 10 minutes and if you are really motivated to burn those fats, you will try this every day.  #1 Slope Sprint  Find a slope, hill or any inclined road in your neighborhood. Then, set your phone or timer to 10 minutes. Sprint as fast as you can to the top of the slope and then slowly to back to the bottom to recover. Repeat this sprint for 10 minutes to help you burn fat … lot’s of it.  #2 Bike Like Crazy  For this exercise, you will need a steady bike. Pedal as fast as you can and as hard as you can for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, slow down for only 10 seconds to recover. Alternate between pedaling hard for 20 seconds and slowing down for 10 seconds for 10 minute...

What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

When you write a letter, when you take an exam or when you make a to-do or to-buy list, your handwriting can say a lot about you. This is called Graphology which is the study handwriting, especially when employed as a means of analyzing a writer’s character, personality, abilities, etc.  Specifically when you are writing in cursive, when your writing slants to the write, it may mean that you are open to the world around you and are sociable. If your writing slants to the left, it may mean that you generally like working alone. Finally, if your writing does not slant at all, it may mean that you are logical and practical. You take things slow and you make sure that everything is okay before you move forward.  Another way to look at it is through the size of your letters. Large letters may mean that you are open and outgoing. Small letters may mean that you are shy. Finally, average sized letters may mean you are able to adjust easily.  Still, there are some let...

Fallout 3. Tenpenny Tower.

Fallout 3. Tenpenny Tower by  Adam Adamowicz

Purple Style Of Cyberpunk

Valenberg ’s signature purple style of cyberpunk comes to life in animations for musician  Amplitude Problem ’s YouTube videos.