How to Make the Right Team

In cooking, each ingredient brings a unique taste or flavor to the dish. If you want your meal to be extra tasty, you add more sugar, spice or anything nice. This means, too, that you cannot put pepper in your beef stew and expect it to be sweet. You need to know how each ingredient will change or affect how your dish will taste. This is true as well, to members of a team. Knowing what unique contribution each member can bring is important to building an effective team. There are several easy team building activities that you can facilitate in your team building sessions. These activities should focus on getting to know the members of the team such as what their preferences are. You also need to ensure that the activities will allow members to maximize on their unique skills or talents. The first activity can be a simple activity of asking the participants to answer questions like, what is your greatest achievement, what do you want to achieve in the next five years, what do y...