Attitude at Work

YOUR JOB IS FILLED with responsibilities, co-workers, bosses, deadlines, and pressure to do things well, right, and on time. With the right attitude work can be an exciting and satisfying experience. Because so much of your time will be spent working, it is important to have a winning attitude to help you succeed and also help others to reach their goals. Don’t Work Too Hard You probably haven’t heard this request too often, and with good rea-son. Overall, a great deal of individuals could stand to work a little harder, but in this respect, the key is to not overwork yourself. You may feel great about working without a break or breather, but your effectiveness may slowly start to decrease as your energy, focus, and responsiveness slip. The Extra Assignment It happens to all of us. We have a full load of work on our plate, and in comes your friendly co-worker offering to pile on just a bit more. She could really use a favor, and needs your help. Sometimes you just have ...